Middle School

Welcome to HopeStudents Middle School!
Our ministry to 6th-8th graders exists to know God, grow with others, and go into our world with this mission in our lives! We want middle school students at Hope to own their faith, along with their friends and leaders, as they go throughout Middle School; no one left out, no one left behind (1 Thess. 5:11, The Message). The leaders and teachers we have in our middle school ministry love Jesus, love to have fun, and love to watch students grow in their faith.  You can find us at these times and places:
When & Where

Main Campus

Middle school students meet in various classrooms in the Student Center Chapel.  To find the Student Center Chapel, enter at door P, K, or A and go up the stairs beneath the Hope Student Ministries lighted marquee. Classes typically end around 10:30 am.

North Campus

Middle School students have a gathering during each hour (9:30/11am) that dismisses from the main worship service after musical worship. This gathering meets in the building to the north of the North Campus facility.


Midweek is where students experience games, musical worship, age-specific teaching, and small groups! Our team of adult leaders engage students in the things that middle school students face each day to provide them with a space to belong so they can discover personal belief in Jesus.

On Wednesday nights, middle schoolers meet in the Student Center Chapel. To find the Student Center Chapel, enter at door P, K, or A and go up the stairs beneath the Hope Student Ministries lighted marquee.

Special Events

Throughout the year, we host various special events that are just for middle school students.  You can find a list of of these events below!

Stay Connected with hopeStudents Middle School!

Text Updates: Text "HopeStudents" to 1-833-504-9501 to receive regular text updates from HopeStudents Middle School!

Associate Pastor of High school ministries
hope missionary church wells county indiana
429 E Dustman Rd
Bluffton, IN 46714
1705 Hillcrest Dr
Ossian, IN 46777