Learn more about our Sunday services at North Campus
Learn more about our Sunday services at North Campus
1705 Hillcrest Dr. - Ossian, IN 46777
260-824-1844 | info@hopemc.org
Our worship services at North Campus feature live worship music and a helpful, practical, simple-to-understand Bible message. The message is usually presented via video at North Campus.
Our services usually last just over one hour.
We’re pretty casual here at Hope, so we encourage you to come as you are!
When you arrive at Hope North, you’ll find that we have convenient parking located all around our facility. You’re welcome to park wherever you would like, and we have entrances located on both the East and West sides of the building.
Our Children’s Ministry (infants-5th grade) offers fun, engaging, programming at 9:30am and 11:00am.
We also have a class for middle school students that meets at 9:30am and 11:00am in the building directly to the north of our North Campus facility.
You’ll find more information about these excellent ministries at the “ministries” tab at the top of this page.
When it comes to giving, please believe us when we say that we don’t want you to feel any obligation to give if you’re a guest or a newcomer. We believe giving is an act of worship for those who have a personal relationship with God through Christ. If you’re a regular attender at Hope North and are interested in giving, you can learn more about our giving options at the “give” tab at the top of this page.
If you have any further questions about our services at North Campus, feel free to contact us at todd@hopemc.org or 260-824-1844!